Vasica Livold

Impresivna podoba narave

Sliko Vasica Livold je naslikal umetnik Željko Vertelj. Naslikal jo je z usti z oljnimi barvami in spada v slikarstvo. Umetnina je realistična in je nastala okoli leta 2013. Visoka je 60 cm in široka 80 cm.

Slika predstavlja spomin na otroštvo v pomladi. V ospredju je reka, čez katero gre mostiček, ki pot nadaljuje do vasi v ozadju. Prikazuje veliko narave, zato je tudi motiv narava. Željko Vertelj je prostor oblikoval z manjšimi hišami v ozadju, kjer je tudi manj podrobnosti. Izstopa cerkev s svojim visokim zvonikom. Barve so realistične, na primer bela fasada in belo cvetje, zelene travnate površine, rjava pot in strehe, modro nebo in odsev v reki. Na desni strani izstopa visoko drevo, ki je podrobno naslikano. Kompozicija je dinamična, saj krivulja poti zavije proti vasici in s tem ustvarja dinamiko v sliki, svetloba pa je realistična.

Sliko je naslikal z usti, saj je Željko Vertelj tetraplegik in ne more uporabljati rok, zato ima slika drugačno umetniško vrednost.

Slika 1: Vasica Livold (Vir: , 4. 10. 2023)

Željko Vertelj se je rodil 26. julija 1959 v Ljubljani. Mlada leta je preživel v vasici Črni Potok pri Kočevju. Spomni se, da je takrat rad risa, predvsem naravo. Po končani šoli ni bilo več časa, saj se je zaposlil, delal je v gozdarstvu. Leta 1993  je doživel prometno nesrečo, po kateri je postal tetraplegik. Želel je biti tudi vzor svojima sinovoma, ki sta bila v času nesreče stara 6 in 7 let. Leta 1994 je začel slikati z usti z veliko truda. Po rehabilitaciji je bil sprejet v Dom starejših občanov v Kočevju. Leta 2022 je postal pridruženi član VDMFK-ja (Mednarodno združenje umetnikov slikanja z usti in nogami). V sodelovanju s slikarji iz združenja VDMFK-ja postane tudi prepoznan v lokalnem okolju. Od leta 2001 sodeluje na vseh likovnih delavnicah in razstavah, ki jih organizira Založba UNSU. Svoje umetnine ustvarja v domu v svoji sobi, kjer ima največ miru.

Umetnina me preseneča, saj mi je zelo impresivno, da lahko nekdo, ki je invalid, naredi tako lepo umetnino. Zanimivo je tudi to, da je Željko Vertelj v svojih mladih letih rad risal, zaradi službe pa ni imel časa. Na slikarstvo se je po nesreči bolj osredotočil in si pri ustvarjanju moral pomagati z usti.

Miha Maležič, 3. a (šolsko leto 2023/2024)


The Village of Livold (originally ‘’Vasica Livold’’)

An impressive picture of nature


The painting was created by the artist Željko Vertelj. He painted it with his mouth using oil paints. It belongs to the style of oil painting. The artwork is realistic and was created around 2013. It measures 60 cm in height and 80 cm in width.


The artwork is a depiction of the artist’s childhood memories in the spring season. In the foreground, a river gracefully flows beneath the bridge spanning across the banks. The pathway seamlessly extends across the bridge, leading the way towards a village nestled in the picturesque background. It represents the natural environment and landscape, so the theme is the natural world. Željko Vertelj designed the space with smaller houses in the background, where there is also less detail. The church stands out with its tall bell tower. The colours are realistic—white facades and flowers, olive-green grass areas, brown paths and roofs, a light-blue sky and reflections in the river. On the right side of the painting stands a tall tree, which is painted in more detail. The composition is dynamic as the curve of the path turns towards the village, adding dynamics to the picture. The light is realistic.


Željko Vertelj created the painting with his mouth because he is a tetraplegic and cannot use his hands, so the artwork has a different artistic value.

Picture 1: The Village of Livold (Source: , 4. 10. 2023)

Željko Vertelj was born on the 26th of July 1959 in Ljubljana. He spent his early years in the village of Črni Potok pri Kočevju. He remembers that back then he loved to draw, especially natural motifs. After graduating from school, he had little free time left as he got a job working in forestry. In 1993, he was involved in a car accident that left him a tetraplegic. He also wanted to be a role model for his sons, who were 6 and 7 at the time of the accident. In 1994, he began to paint with his mouth with great effort. After rehabilitation, he was admitted to the nursing home in Kočevje. In 2022, he became an associate member of the VDMFK (The Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World). In cooperation with painters from the association, he also became recognized within the local environment. Since 2001, he has participated in every art workshop and exhibition organised by UNSU Publishing House. He creates his art in his room in the nursing home, where he finds the most peace.


The artwork is surprising to me because I am very impressed that someone with such a severe disability can create such a beautiful work of art. It is also interesting that Željko Vertelj loved to draw at his young age, but because of his job responsibilities he lacked the time for his artistic creations. After the accident, he concentrated more on artistic painting and had to help himself with his mouth.



  1. AVGUŠTIN, C. (2000). Željko Vertelj. Accessed 4. 10. 2023 at:
  2. Vertelj Željko. (2022). Accessed 4. 10. 2023 at:
  3. RACMAN, J. (2017). Visual criticism. Paintings of Željko Vertlj in the eyes of art historian Jaka Racman. Accessed 25. 10. 2023 at:
  4. Željko Vertelj in the elite of VDMFK painters. (2022). Accessed 25. 10. 2023 at: