Upodabljanje Kočevske


Medena pita je bila ustvarjena 20. junija 2022. Avtorica je Duša Jesih. Nahaja se za starim hotelom Valentin v Kočevju. Je mural, ki spada v slikarstvo, saj vsebuje fasadne barve. Visok je 4 m in dolg 12 m.

S črnimi in rumenimi paralelogrami, ki sestavljajo sliko, se vidi simbolika čebelarstva, kar je tudi motiv umetnine. Tema je posvetna. Z njo nagovarja posameznika za kulturološko širino mesta in njegov spoštljivi odnos do umetnika. Nekateri deli jih imajo več kot drugi. Avtorica je za mural uporabila tematsko leto čebel in medu 2019, kar se kaže v barvah. Celotna slika predstavlja čebelo. Kompozicija je dinamična. Slika je abstraktna.

Slika 1: Medena pita (FOTO: Timotej Bajo)

Z muralom je Duša Jesih poskušala zajeti, preplesti in nakazati čim več tem, in kot je zapisala: »pustiti domišljiji odprto pot«. Njena slogovna opredelitev je geometrična abstrakcija. Slika je nastala po naročilu Občine Kočevje. Kritičen pogled na družbene, kulturne in politične sfere našega bivanja je bil navdih za Dušo Jesih, da je naredila Medeno pito.

Duša Jesih se je rodila leta 1977. Leta 2005 je zaključila študij na Šoli za risanje in slikanje v Ljubljani. Študijsko se je izpopolnjevala na Cité Internationale des arts v Parizu. Od leta 2007 deluje kot svobodna umetnica, ki se v svoji praksi posveča predvsem slikarskemu mediju, znotraj katerega je od začetnih ekspresionističnih teženj prešla v ultimativno abstrakcijo geometričnih oblik. Navdahnjena z najbolj temeljno vizualno govorico ustvarja grafične in stilizirane podobe, ki so v današnjem preobilju vizualnega dojete kot nekakšni arhetipi sodobnega sveta. Avtorica živi in dela v Ljubljani.  Leta 2015 je osvojila Študentsko Prešernovo nagrado.

Ko pogledam specifične dele murala, name delujejo kot prazne, ostre črte, toda ko stopim korak nazaj in si bolje ogledam umetnino kot celoto, si lahko predstavljam telo čebele, kar se mi zdi veliko boljše sporočilo, ki je povezano s Kočevsko. Mural je nov način sodobnega slikarstva, ki poskuša prikazati značilnosti tematskega okolja in dopolnjuje klasično umetnost. Dopolnjuje tudi lokalno umetnost, je javnosti dostopen, velik in opazen. Zdi se mi kot subjektiven objekt, zato bi priporočal vsakemu, da si ga ogleda in sam zbere svoje misli o teh podobah. Zdi se mi, da njen mural precej izstopa v primerjavi z drugimi v Kočevju zaradi njenega sloga. Prikazuje bolj moderno in preprostejšo obliko.


Timotej Bajo, 3. b (šolsko leto 2023/24)



  1. Murali Kočevja. Umetniške stenske poslikave. (b. l.). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na https://www.kocevje.si/objava/653484
  2. JESIH, D. Življenjepis. (b. l.) Dostopno 11.10.2023 na https://dusajesih.com/about
  3. (brez avtorja) Duša Jesih. (b. l.) Dostopno na 11.10.2023 na https://www.sloart.si/jesih-dusa
  4. LETO ČEBEL IN MEDU 2019 (b. l.). Besedilo dostopno na 25. 10. 2023 na https://kocevje.si/post/202293




Depicting Kočevsko


The mural “Honey Pie” (originally titled Medena pita) was created on the 20th of June 2022. Its author is Duša Jesih. It’s located behind the old Valentin hotel in Kočevje. Classified under the genre of painting, it makes use of facade colours. The mural’s height and length are 4 and 12 m respectfully.

The mural features black and yellow parallelograms that make up the picture. Together, they represent the craft of beekeeping, which is its motif as well. The theme is secular. With this mural, the author attracts the individual for the cultural scale of the city and its respectful attitude towards the artist. Some parts contain more parallelograms than others. The artist used the thematic year of bees and honey in 2019 as inspiration for the mural, which is reflected in its colours. The picture as a whole is a representation of a bee. The composition is dynamic and the painting is abstract.

Picture 1:  (PHOTO: Timotej Bajo)

With the mural, Duša Jesih tried to capture, interweave and indicate as many different themes as possible. It is as the author states: “Let imagination lead the way.” Its stylistic definition is geometric abstraction. The picture was commissioned by the Municipality of Kočevje. The human perspective on the social, cultural and political spheres of our existence inspired Duša Jesih to create “Honey Pie.”

Duša Jesih was born in 1977. In 2005, she graduated from the College of Visual Arts in Ljubljana, and in 2007, she continued her studies at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. Since 2007, she has been working as a freelance artist, focusing mainly on the painting medium, within which she has moved away from the initial expressionist tendencies to the ultimate abstraction of geometric forms. Inspired by the most fundamental visual language, Duša Jesih creates graphic and stylized images that are perceived as archetypes of the modern world among today’s abundance of visuals. The author lives and works in Ljubljana. In 2015, she won the Prešeren Award for student achievement.

When I look at specific parts of the mural up close, they happen to be nothing more than blank, sharp lines; however, when I step back and take a closer look at the artwork as a whole, I can imagine the body of a bee, which, in my opinion, conveys a more meaningful message in relation to Kočevsko. The mural is a new way of contemporary painting that tries to depict the features of the thematic environment and complements classical art. It also enhances local art since it is accessible to the public, large in scale and highly noticeable. In my view, the mural is a subjective object, so I would recommend everyone to interpret it and collect their own thoughts on these images. To me, it seems that “Honey Pie” stands out in comparison to others murals in Kočevje due to its style; it depicts a more modern and minimalist design.


Timotej Bajo, 3. b (School Year 2023/2024)



  1. Murals of Kočevje. Artistic wall paintings (n. d. g.). Text available 11th of October 2023 at https://www.kocevje.si/objava/653484
  2. JESIH, D. Curriculum vitae. (n. d. g.). Available 11th of October 2023 at https://dusajesih.com/about
  3. (no author) Duša Jesih. (n. d. g.). Available 11th of October 2023 at https://dusajesih.com/about
  4. A YEAR OF BEES AND HONEY 2019 (n. d. g.). Text available 25th of October 2023 at https://kocevje.si/post/202293