Pasja glava na človeškem telesu


Središče Sodražice že nekaj let krasi kip Psoglavca, ki je delo akademskega kiparja Zlata Rudolfa. Svojo 2,5-tonsko ter približno trimetrsko umetnino je ustvarjal v letu 2012 v kamnolomu Povirje pri Krasu. Kot glavni in edini material je avtor uporabil kamen, kip pa je oblikoval s tehniko odvzemanja materiala. Skulpturo uvrščamo v likovno področje kiparstva ter v obdobje sodobne umetnosti.

Psoglavec izvira iz posvetne teme, predstavlja pa bajeslovni lik, ki naj bi po mitološkem sporočilu predstavljal prebivalce Sodražice. Gre za mešanico človeške in pasje podobe, zlite v telo velikana. Že iz imena lahko razberemo, da ima kip pasjo glavo, povešene pasje uhlje, pasji smrček ter velike izbuljene oči. Marsikdo bi najprej pomislil, da gre za bolj robustno podobo, v resnici pa je bil avtorjev cilj ustvariti bolj miroljubno podobo, kar lahko razberemo iz Psoglavčeve obrazne mimike, ki prestavlja topel obraz z zametki nasmeška. Trup, noge in roke so podobne človeškim okončinam, vendar pretirano velike, v velikosti velikana. Ker naj bi Psoglavec predstavljal zaščitnika doline, je avtor v trupu upodobil sotesko Kadice, ki je simbolno upodobljena na nogah kipa, prvotno pa naj bi po njih tekla voda.

Slika 1: Kip Psoglavca (Foto: Janja Glavonjič)

Skulptura je oblikovana fantazijsko in ima veliko drobnih detajlov, ki so zahtevali veliko natančnega dela. Površina je v večini gladka z izboklinami in manjšimi drobnimi detajli na predelu vratu. Prevladuje umazano bela barva, nekateri deli pa so posiveli. Postavljen je v navpično kompozicijo, njegov volumen pa je v celoti zapolnjen brez  odprtin.

Kip je nastal pod vplivom tradicije kraja in njegovih značilnosti. Že v osnovi so želeli trg Sodražice obogatiti s psoglavcem, z veliko psoglavsko glavo. Sprva je kip stal na osrednjem trgu, leta 2021 pa so ga premaknili v kostanjev park pri šoli kot del projekta »Sprehod skozi naše trge«. Najbrž prav vsak občan Sodražice pozna zgodbo o Sodražanih, ki naj bi se potepali po ostankih požgane Ribnice. Kiparja pa je predvsem navdušila in navdihnila zgodba o psoglavcih iz knjige Magdalena, fara naša, v kateri je predstavljena župnija Sodražica in njena zgodovina.

Akademski umetnik, Zlato Rudolf, rojen 5. 12. 1952, je avtor številnih umetnin in skulptur. Ustvarja predvsem kamnite skulpture in lesene kipe, fontane in portrete iz gline. Živi in ustvarja v  Idrijski Beli ob potoku, ki se zliva v reko njegova otroštva – Idrijco. Ta ga je prvič očarala že v otroštvu in mu zlezla v podzavest, zato ni nenavadno, da že desetletja v kamnu, mavcu, lesu in drugih materialih upodablja vse, kar mu šepeta reka. Tudi pri oblikovanju Psoglavca mu je pomagala narava, reka ob samem izviru v soteski Kadice. Zlato Rudolf pravi: »Vse lepo je že zdavnaj upodobljeno v naravi, le odkriti moramo in pokazati.« (Bogataj, 2017)


Slika 2: Kip Psoglavca (Foto: Janja Glavonjič)

Ker pa naj bi bil izraz psoglavec večkrat uporabljen kot slabšalni izraz za Sodražane, je avtor kip predstavil na miroljuben način, kot simbol spremembe oz. preobrazbe nekoga, ki je naredil nekaj narobe, sprejel  ter spoznal svojo napako in se nato spreobrnil.

Kip mi je všeč in se mi zdi pomemben, saj predstavlja glavni mitološki ter zgodovinski simbol našega kraja in nas – prebivalce  Sodražice – vsakodnevno spominja in ozavešča o našem »izvoru«. Postavljen je v bližino šole, vrtca ter zdravstvenega doma, zato številni ljudje vsakodnevno hodijo mimo in ga tudi opazujejo.

Janja Glavonjič, 2. b (šolsko leto 2022/ 2023)


  1. Trg Sodražice varuje kip psoglavca. (2012). Povzeto po inf. oddaji TEdniK+. Dostopno 1. 12. 2022 na
  2. BOGATAJ, D.(2017). Bolj ko ga življenje tolče, bolj zveni. Dostopno 1. 12. 2022 na
  3. Pravljica o Sodražici. (b. l.). Dostopno 1. 12. 2022 na
  4. SODRAŠKIH 800: monografija ob 800-letnici prve pisne omembe Sodražica. (2020) Sodražica: Občina Sodražica.




The Doghead (originally Psoglavec)

A dog’s head on a human body

For several years, the centre of Sodražica has been adorned with a statue of the Doghead, the work of the academic sculptor Zlato Rudolf. The 2.5-tonne and approximately 3-metre-high masterpiece was created in 2012 in the Povirje quarry near the karst landscape. The main and only material used was stone, and the sculpture was moulded using the technique of subtractive sculpturing. The figure is classified into the category of fine art sculpture within the contemporary art period.

The Doghead originates from a secular theme yet represents a fabled character who, according to mythology, is supposed to portray the inhabitants of Sodražica. It is a mixture of a human being and canine forms fused into the body of a giant. From the name itself, we can see that the statue has a dog’s head, drooping dog ears, a dog’s snout and large protruding eyes. One might at first consider this more robust image, but in fact the artist’s aim was to form a more peaceful image, as can be seen from the Doghead’s facial expressions; they convey a congenial face with hints of a smile. The torso, legs and arms are similar to human limbs, but extremely large and the size of a giant. The Doghead is supposed to represent the patron of the valley. The artist has depicted the Kadice gorge on the torso, which is symbolically represented on the legs of the statue. Originally, water was supposed to flow down the limbs.

The effigy has been moulded in the way of fantastic art and has many small details which demanded huge amounts of work. The coat is generally smooth with some bumps and tiny details in the neck area. The predominant colour is smoky white, with some areas exhibiting discoloration due to fading. It is set in a vertical composition and its volume is wholly filled without any apertures.

The sculpture is influenced by the town’s folklore and its features. From the very beginning, the municipal office wanted to enrich the square of Sodražica with the Doghead, a large canine’s head. Initially, the figure stood in the central square; however, in 2021 it was moved to the Kostanjev park beside the school as part of the municipal project. Certainly, every citizen of Sodražica knows the story of the town’s inhabitants, who were supposed to roam through the remains of the burnt town of Ribnica. The sculptor was particularly inspired by the story of the dogheads from the book Magdalena, fara naša (2003), which tells the story of the parish of Sodražica and its history.

Academic sculptor Zlato Rudolf, born on the 5th of December 1952, is the author of numerous artworks and sculptures, mainly stone sculptures and wooden statues, fountains and clay portraits. He lives and works in Idrija Bela, by the stream that flows into Idrijca—the river of his childhood. It first captivated him as a child and crept into his subconsciousness, so it’s no coincidence that, for decades, he had been rendering in stone, plaster, wood and other materials everything that the river “whispered” to him. Nature—the river at its source in the Kadice gorge—also helped him to create the Doghead. Zlato Rudolf says: “Nature has long depicted everything beautiful in this world; it’s our task to uncover and reveal its splendour.”

However, since the term “doghead” is often used as a pejorative designation for the people of Sodražica, the author presented the bust in a peaceful way: as a symbol of change or transformation of someone who has done something wrong, acknowledged and realised his mistakes, then finally repented for them.

I like the statue and I believe it is important because it defends the main mythological and historical symbol of our region. For us, the inhabitants of Sodražica, it serves as a daily reminder of our roots and origins. It is placed close to the school, kindergarten and the health centre, so many people walk by and observe it every day.

Janja Glavonjič, 2. b (School Year 2022/2023)