Zgradba mnogih funkcij

Tržnica Kočevje je zgradba mnogih funkcij, ki je niso uporabljali le kot tržnico, temveč tudi kot Likovni salon. Dograjena je bila leta 1959, leta 2014 pa obnovljena zaradi nevzdrževanosti in neizpolnjevanja pogojev. Nahaja se na začetku Ljubljanske ceste. Od začetka do danes je bila deležna tudi nekaj vizualnih sprememb.

Slika 1: Pogled na tržnico iz strani (FOTO: Alja Lisac)

Tržnica je grajena kot montažna stavba na pilotih. Med njimi je v nadstropju opečnato polnilo, dozidane stene so iz vodotesnega armiranega betona. Bela fasada stavbe je ometana, med streho in steno pa so okna z lesenimi okvirji. Nad vhodom v zaprti del, do katerega z Ljubljanske ceste vodijo stopnice, je velik napis TRŽNICA, v spodnjem odprtem delu stoji šest kamnitih miz, predvsem za uporabo prodaje izdelkov na prostem.

Leta 1959 je bila stavba dograjena. Uporabljala se je kot mestna tržnica, kjer so prodajali živila in razdeljevali mleko. Tržnica je za svoje namene uporabljala tako zgornji kot spodnji del. Leta 1970 je bil za prodajo dovolj odprti del tržnice, v zgornjem delu pa so umetniki dobili razstavišče za svoja dela, saj so iskali stalni prostor za razstavljanje svojih umetnin, ker niso našli ustrezne lokacije v Kočevju.  2. oktobra 1970 so tako otvorili Likovni salon, pod katerim je še vedno delovala tržnica živil in drugih izdelkov, kar pa je bilo zelo všečno umetnikom, ki so razstavljali svoje umetnine, saj so si tudi drugi, ki jih prej umetnost ni zanimala, sproti po nakupu živil ogledovali razstave.

SLIKA 2: Kamnite mize namenjene prodaji v odprtem delu (FOTO: Alja Lisac)

V začetku drugega tisočletja je zagnanost razstavljavcev zamrla zaradi manjšega obiska in nevzdrževanosti objekta. Leta 2014 so ga obnovili, zunanji izgled spremenili in obudili staro funkcijo stavbe kot tržnice v zaprtem in odprtem prostoru. Sedaj je to prostor kjer se ob sredah in sobotah prodajajo živila večinoma lokalnih pridelovalcev.

Umetnina je bila ves čas koristna: na začetku in koncu je delovala kot tržnica ter v vmesnem času za razstavljanje umetnin lokalnih umetnikov. Meni umetnina veliko pomeni, saj se  spomnim, kako smo, ko sem bila otrok, s šolo imeli v zaprtem delu tržnice božični bazar, na katerem smo prodajali izdelke, ki smo jih ustvarili sami. Razvijala se je skozi leta tako kot mi, še zdaj včasih, če sem v mestu ob sobotah in sredah, pogledam, kaj prodajajo. Je zgradba v mojem rodnem kraju in ena izmed bolj prepoznavnih. Krasi Kočevje s svojim modernističnim telesom in kljub meni dolgočasnim barvam fasade s svojo funkcijo obarva in popestri mesto.


Alja Lisac, 3. b (šol. l. 2021/2022)



  1. KOVAČIČ, N. (2009). Zbirka Likovnega salona Kočevje. Založba: Pokrajinski muzej Kočevje.
  2. RESMAN, B. (2010). Upravna enota Kočevje: občine Kočevje, Kostel in Osilnica. Založba: ZRC.
  3. Tržnica in Likovno salon Kočevje. Opis del. Skupina Obnova. Dostopno 21. 11. 2021 na: https://obnova-kocevje.si/trznica-kocevje/



Multifunctional building

The Kočevje Market is a multifunctional building, which was used not only as a market, but also as an Art Gallery. It was built in 1959 and renovated in 2014 due to the lack of maintenance and non-compliance with the requirements. It is located at the beginning of Ljubljanska street. From the beginning until today, it has also undergone some visual changes.

The market is built as a prefabricated building on piles. In-between them there is a brick filling on the first floor, the added walls are made of waterproof reinforced concrete. The white facade of the building is plastered, and between the roof and the wall there are windows with wooden frames. Above the entrance to the closed area, to which the stairs from Ljubljanska street lead, there is a large inscription TRŽNICA (Market). In the lower open area there are six stone tables, mainly used for selling outdoor products.

In 1959 the building was completed. It was used as a town market where food was sold and milk was distributed. The market used both the upper and the lower areas for its services. In 1970, the open area of the market was large enough for sale, and in the upper area the artists got an exhibition space for their works, as they had been looking for a permanent place to exhibit their works of art because they could not find another suitable location in Kočevje. On October 2, 1970, the Art Gallery was opened, under which the market for food and other products still operated. The artists who exhibited their works of art were pleased with the situation, because also people who were not previously interested in art visited exhibitions after buying groceries.

At the beginning of the second millennium, the enthusiasm of the exhibitors died down due to the decreased number of visitors and the lack of maintenance of the building. In 2014 it was renovated, the exterior was changed and the old function of the building as an indoor and outdoor market was restored. Now it is a place where food is sold on Wednesdays and Saturdays, mostly by local producers.

The artwork was useful all the time: at the beginning and the end it functioned as the market and in the meantime as the exhibition area for works of art by local artists. The work of art means a lot to me because I remember the time, when I was a child, we had a school Christmas bazaar in the closed area of the market, where we sold products that we had created. It has evolved over the years just like we have, even now when I’m in town on Saturdays and Wednesdays I sometimes look at the products they sell. It is a building in my hometown and one of the more recognizable ones. It adorns Kočevje with its modernist body and, despite the boring colors of the facade for my taste, it colors and diversifies the city with its function.


Alja Lisac, 3. b (šol. l. 2021/2022)




  1. KOVAČIČ, N. (2009). Zbirka Likovnega salona Kočevje. Publisher: Pokrajinski muzej Kočevje.
  2. RESMAN, B. (2010). Upravna enota Kočevje: občine Kočevje, Kostel in Osilnica. Publisher: ZRC.
  3. Tržnica in Likovni salon Kočevje. Opis del. Skupina Obnova. [Online]. Last change: unknown.

[Cited: 21. 11. 2021; 12.12] Available at: https://obnova-kocevje.si/trznica-kocevje/