Mural umetnika Tomaža Milača

Mozaik je nastal leta 2023, avtor je Tomaž Milač.  Nahaja se na Trgu zbora odposlancev 41 v Kočevju.

Tomaž Milač se je rodil leta 1978 v Celju. Po končani Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo v Ljubljani se je vpisal na Visoko šolo za vizualne umetnosti Arthouse in nadaljeval študij na Pedagoški fakulteti v Mariboru. Leta 2003 je diplomiral iz slikarstva na Visoki šoli za slikanje in risanje in istega leta prejel drugo nagrado na Balkan Youth Festivalu v Grčiji. Leta 2012 je kot umetnik zastopal Slovenijo na olimpijskih igrah v Londonu in svoja dela razstavljal na skupinski razstavi v Barbican centru. V svoji umetniški praksi prepleta različne tehnike in uporablja različne medije, med drugim fotografijo, grafiko in kolaž. Ustvarja v Celju, kjer ima atelje v umetniški četrti Celje. Njegova dela so bila razstavljena na samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah doma in v tujini.

Slika 1: Kočevski mural (Vir: https://www.kocevje.si/objava/653484)

T. Milač pravi o muralu: »Ideja, kako umestiti različne elemente v celoto, je v kompoziciji. Sestavljena je iz kvadratov po principu mozaika, kar pomeni, da vsak segment nosi zgodbo ali dekorativni element, ki medsebojno sodeluje in ustvari svojevrsten preplet, v katerem gledalec najde asociativen pogled. Tako se lahko spogledujemo po tradiciji, lokalni zgodovini in napredku. Barvna kombinacija je privzeta iz arhitekture in okolja, tako se znebimo kontrastov, ter dosežemo bolj umirjeno sceno.«

Mural je vsak kos umetnine, ki je naslikan ali nanešen neposredno na steno, strop ali drugo trajno podlago. V Kočevju je za izdelavo murala uporabil akrilne fasadne barve. Za zvezdo je uporabil zlato barvo, za presek debla je uporabil oranžno, vijolično in belo barvo, za papirnato letalo belo in zlato barvo ter za satovje temno modro in belo barvo. Oblika murala je kvadratna, toda na vrhu posnema obliko strehe. Vsak kvadrat predstavlja posamezno tematsko leto v Kočevju, zato vsak segment nosi zgodbo, lahko pa je tudi samo dekorativni element. Murali dopolnjujejo lokalno umetnost, popestrijo mesto ter so javno dostopni.

Tematska leta, ki so upodobljena na muralu, so npr.:

Hufnaglovo leto (2012)

Leto vizij (2013)

Leto čebel in medu (2019)

Ramorjevo leto – razprimo krila (2020)

Hufnaglovo leto je posvečeno dr. Leopoldu Hufnaglu, ki je revolucionarno posegel na področje gospodarjenja z gozdovi. Leta 1892 je za Goteniško pogorje izdelal prvi gozdnogospodarski načrt, kjer je bila zapisana znamenita pripomba: oddelka 38 in 39 naj se kot pragozd ohranita, zato je tu vsakršna raba prepovedana. S tem se je začelo obdobje aktivnega in načrtnega naravovarstva v Sloveniji. Simbol, s katerim je prikazano tematsko leto, je presek debla.

Namen Leta vizij je bilo identificirati že obstoječe posamične vizije tako posameznikov kot organiziranih družbenih enot (podjetij, zavodov, društev) in poiskati skupne imenovalce v njihovih usmeritvah. Tematika vsebinsko zajema vsa področja družbenega življenja – od gospodarstva, šolstva, urbanizma, prostorske ureditve. Simbol, s katerim je prikazano tematsko leto, je zvezda.

Leto čebel in medu je bilo prirejeno zato, da ohranjamo naravo in poudarimo pomen čebel za ljudi. Za Kočevje so značilne čebele in med, o čemer je pisala tudi Lela B. Njatin. »Kočevsko čebelarstvo ima stare korenine. Kočevski gozdni med je prvi med iz Slovenije z evropsko registracijo Zaščitena označba porekla. V 2019 se učimo od čebel in ohranjamo naravo – za čebele in za ljudi.« (Lela B. Njatin, https://www.kocevje.si/post/202293). Simbol, s katerim je prikazano tematsko leto, je satje.

Ramorjevo leto – razprimo krila je bilo leto, prirejeno v poklon pilotu in inovatorju Hansu (Ivanu) Ramorju, ki je zaradi svoje zgodbe in drznosti postal skupni imenovalec za vse, ki so si na Kočevskem drznili sanjati. Simbol, s katerim je prikazano tematsko leto, je letalo iz papirja.

Mural je zelo vpadljiv zaradi velikosti ter svoje abstraktnosti. Koncept murala mi je zanimiv, saj predstavlja vsa tematska leta, ki so se zgodila na Kočevskem. Je del umetniških stenskih poslikav v Kočevju. Služi tudi kot dekoracija na bloku in atrakcija mesta. Mural je sodoben način slikarstva, kar mi je zelo všeč, saj pokaže, da se umetnost vedno razvija.


Tibor Naglič, 3. b (šolsko leto 2023/24)


  1. Murali Kočevja – Umetniške stenske poslikave. (b. l). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na: https://www.kocevje.si/objava/653484
  2. Tomaž Milač. (b. l.). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na: https://galerija-artes.si/umetniki/milac-tomaz/
  3. Kulturna/tematska leta. (b. l.). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na: https://www.kocevje.si/objava/202280
  4. Hufnaglovo leto 2012. (02. 03. 2012). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na: https://www.kocevje.si/post/202284
  5. Leto vizij 2013. (02. 03. 2013). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na: https://www.kocevje.si/post/202285
  6. Leto čebel in medu 2019. (07. 03. 2019). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na: https://www.kocevje.si/post/202293
  7. Ramorjevo leto – Razprimo krila. (07. 03. 2020). Besedilo dostopno 11. 10. 2023 na: https://www.kocevje.si/post/242626



A mural by the artist Tomaž Milač

The Mosaic of Kočevje was created in 2023 by Tomaž Milač. It is depicted on a building located in the town of Kočevje at the address Trg zbora odposlancev 41.

Tomaž Milač was born in 1978 in Celje. After graduating from High School for Design and Photography in Ljubljana, he enrolled into the Arthouse College of Visual Arts and continued his studies at the Faculty of Education in Maribor. In 2003, he graduated from the High School of Painting and Drawing in the field of visual art. That same year, he was the runner-up for the prize at the Balkan Youth Festival in Greece. In 2012, he represented Slovenia as an artist at the Olympic Games in London and exhibited his works in a group exhibition at the Barbican Centre. In his artistic practice, he intertwines various techniques and uses various media, including photography, graphics and collage. He operates in Celje, where he has a studio in the Celje Artistic Quarter. His works have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad.

Picture 1: Mural of Kočevje (Source: https://www.kocevje.si/objava/653484)

T. Milač commented on his mural: “The composition involves placing various elements together, forming squares like a mosaic. Each segment tells a story or contains decorative elements in mutual interaction to create a unique blend for the viewers to interpret. This approach allows us to reflect on tradition, local history, and progress. The colour combination is drawn from the architecture and surroundings, eliminating contrasts and creating a serene atmosphere.”

A mural is any piece of art that is painted or applied directly to a wall, ceiling or other durable base. In the case of the Mosaic of Kočevje, Milač used acrylic facade paints. He used gold for the star, orange, purple and white for the tree-trunk cross section, white and gold for the paper plane, and dark blue and white for the honeycomb. Each segment of the mural is square-shaped, yet it mimics the shape of a roof at the top. Every square represents an individual thematic year of Kočevje; therefore, each piece also carries a story, while at the same time simply being a decorative element. The murals complement the local art, brighten up the city, and are open to the public.

Some of the thematic years depicted on the mural are:
• The Year of Hufnagel (2012)
• The Year of Visions (2013)
• The Year of Bees and Honey (2019)
• The Year of Ramor: Spread Our Wings (2020)

The Hufnagel Year is dedicated to Dr Leopold Hufnagel, who revolutionized the field of forest management. In 1892, he drew up the first forestry plan for the mountain range of Gotenica, in which the famous remark was written: “Sections 38 and 39 should be preserved as primeval forests, so any use thereof is prohibited.” This marked the beginning of the period of active and planned nature conservation in Slovenia. The symbol with which the thematic year is represented is the cross section of the tree-trunk.

The purpose of the Year of Visions was to identify existing dreams of both individuals and organised social units (companies, institutions, societies, etc.), and to find common denominators in their orientations. The theme covers all areas of social life—from economy and education to urbanism and spatial planning. The symbol with which the thematic year is represented is a star.

The Year of Bees and Honey was organised to preserve nature and highlight the importance of bees. Kočevje is characterised by bees and honey, which was also written by Lela B. Njatin: “Beekeeping has ancient roots. The forest honey of Kočevje is the first honey in Slovenia which received the European registration titled Protected Designation of Origin. In 2019, we are learning from bees and conserving nature—for bees and for the people.” (https://www.kocevje.si/post/202293). The symbol with which the thematic year is represented is a honeycomb.

The Year of Ramor—Spread Our Wings was dedicated to the pilot and innovator Hans (Ivan) Ramor, whose story and boldness became a common thread for all those who dared to dream in the Kočevje region. The symbol used to represent the thematic year is a paper plane.
The mural is very striking due to its size and abstraction. The concept of the mural is interesting to me because it represents the collective thematic years that took place in Kočevje. It is part of the artistic wall paintings. It also serves as a decoration on the building and is one of the attractions of the city. The mural is a modern way of painting, which I like very much, because it shows that art is always evolving.


Tibor Naglič, 3. b (School Year 2023/24)


1. Murals of Kočevje – Artistic wall paintings. (n. d). Text available 11. 10. 2023 at: https://www.kocevje.si/objava/653484
2. Artists. Tomaž Milač. (n. d.). Text available 11. 10. 2023 at: https://galerija-artes.si/umetniki/milac-tomaz/
3. Kulturna/tematska leta. (n. d.). Text available 11. 10. 2023 at: https://www.kocevje.si/objava/202280
4. The Year of Hufnagle 2012. (02. 03. 2012). Text available 11. 10. 2023 at: https://www.kocevje.si/post/202284
5. The Year of Visions 2013. (02. 03. 2013). Text available 11. 10. 2023 at: https://www.kocevje.si/post/202285
6. The Year of Bees and Honey 2019. (07. 03. 2019). Text available 11. 10. 2023 at: https://www.kocevje.si/post/202293
7. The Year of Ramor – Spread our Wings. (07. 03. 2020). Text available 11. 10. 2023 at: https://www.kocevje.si/post/242626