Cerkev na Mali gori
Cerkev svete Ane je rimskokatoliška podružnična cerkev, ki se nahaja na izpostavljenem in razglednem mestu blizu vršnega slemena Male gore, natančneje pri Zapužah pri Ribnici na Dolenjskem. Postavljena je na nadmorski višini 920 m, kjer se je v preteklosti nahajalo prazgodovinsko gradišče, kasneje pa tudi kresišče, ki je nastalo kot posledica turških vpadov.
Prva omemba svete Ane je v 16. stoletju, leta 1576. Podatka, kdo je zgradil cerkev in zanjo naredil načrt ni. Zgrajena je iz kamna, zvonovi pa so bronasti. Dolga je 21 m, v prezbiteriju široka 5,45 m in v ladji 6,76 m ter visoka približno od 5,5 do 5,9 m. Zaradi naravnih nesreč je bila velikokrat prenovljena, zato ji ne morem natančno določiti slogovne opredelitve, še najbolj spominja na gotsko cerkev.
Slika 1: Sveta Ana nad Ribnico iz zraka (Vir: https://www.ribnica24.eu/ribnica/foto-sveta-ana-nad-ribnico-iz-zraka/)
To je enoladijska cerkev s prezbiterijem in dvema zvonikoma, pred vhodom pa ima tudi lopo. Zvonova so večkrat menjali zaradi uničenja po vojnah. Cerkev ima manjši in večji zvon, večjega so ulili leta 1990. Ta ima premer 89,9 cm s težo 360 kg in glasom a, medtem ko so manjšega ulili okoli leta 1950 in meri 73 cm s težo 285 kg in glasom c. Notranjost cerkve krasijo: oltar sv. Ane iz hrastovine, procesijski križ, poslikave križevega pota in freska v notranjosti cerkve, ki ponazarja dogodke iz življenja sv. Ane, Joahima in Marije, ki jo je naslikal Lojze Čemažar. To je nova podoba cerkve, saj je bila notranjost prenovljena leta 1989, ko so odstranili vlažen omet, jo prepleskali in dodali prej omenjeno fresko, kasneje je bil izdelan še oltar proti ljudstvu iz hrastovine in poslikave štirinajstih postaj križevega pota, ki jih je naslikal Stane Jarm, izdelal pa je tudi omenjeni oltar. Glavni oltar je napravil Franc Jontez že leta 1889, ki ga ob strani krasijo svetnici sv. Uršula in Neža. Tlak in klopi so ostali nespremenjeni od leta 1891. Od leta 1990 ima cerkev tudi elektriko, reflektorje in kristalni lestenec. Freska v notranjosti cerkve izraža velik pomen verovanja preko umetnosti in upodobitve svetih oseb, tako kot tudi vse poslikave v njej. Je največja umetnina v cerkvi, kjer so upodobljeni verski motivi. V njej so podrobno naslikane osebe in predmeti.
Slika 2: Notranjost cerkve (FOTO: Ana Marija Šilc)
Cerkev je nabožna zgradba, saj služi verskim namenom in spodbuja k verovanju. Stoji na božji oziroma romarski poti, kjer so se nekoč ustavljali romarji, k njej pa danes zahaja veliko pohodnikov in ljubiteljev rekreacije ter narave. V času turških vpadov je veljala za zavetišče.
Danes je zelo obiskana izletniška točka, do katere vodi gozdna pot. Na vrhu se razteza krasen pogled na jug, jugovzhod, vzhod in tudi manjši del zahoda. Na jug pogled seže na celotno hribovje Velike in Travne gore, naprej do Goteniške gore, na jugovzhodu pa celo do hrvaškega Gorskega Kotarja, Bjelolasice ter okoliških vzpetin. Na vzhodu pa lahko opazimo Stojno, Kočevski Rog in pred njima Kočevsko polje s Kočevjem. V smeri zahoda je čudovit pogled na Ribniško dolino do Snežnika ter Slivnice nad Cerknico.
O njej in o njenem nastanku pa govori zanimiva legenda, ki jo lahko poslušate na spodnji povezavi ali pa preberete v knjigi Tam med Malo in Veliko goro, kjer je sveta Ana večkrat omenjena,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gf0yMCoj9Q. Precej zanimiva je lepota svete Ane pozimi, ki jo tudi lahko vidite na povezavi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBOoHwJw16U.
Cerkev sv. Ane je po mojem mnenju krasna izletniška točka, kjer te na vrhu čaka zanimiv razgled. Od okoliških cerkva npr. Cerkve sv. Štefana, ki stoji sredi mesta Ribnica in Cerkve Marijinega vnebovzetja v vasi Nova Štifta je precej manjša, vendar še vedno izstopa zaradi svoje lege, kar ji daje poseben čar. Za manjšo cerkev ima precej umetnin, ki jo naredijo še bolj zanimivo.
Slika 3: Zunanjost cerkve (FOTO: Vasilij Mate, vir: https://mestnik.si/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/20200219_172054-1-1920×933.jpg)
Ana Marija Šilc, 2. a (šolsko leto 2022/2023)
- Cerkev sv. Ane, Zapuže pri Ribnici. Dostopno 19. 11. 2022 na: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerkev_sv._Ane,_Zapu%C5%BEe_pri_Ribnici
- PRAZNIK, A. (2009). Sv. Ana nad Ribnico. Dostopno 19. 11. 2022 na:
- MIKOLIČ-TURK, Nežika – besedilo, bralka: GREGORIČ, Nina. (14. apr. 2020). Legenda o nastanku cerkve svete Ane [legenda iz knjige Tam med malo in Veliko goro]. Dostopno 19. 11. 2022 na: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gf0yMCoj9Q
- Sveta Ana na Mali gori. Dostopno 05.01.2023 na:
5. VRICKO, K. (2018). Sveta Ana v Ribnici v zimskem času. Video dostopen 19. 11. 2022 na:
The Church upon Mala gora
The Church of St. Anne is a Roman Catholic succursal church. It is situated on an exposed lookout point, near the summit ridge of Mala gora, specifically in the village of Zapuže near Ribnica in Lower Carniola. It is located at an altitude of 920 m, where a prehistoric fort was previously situated. Later on, a bonfire point was established in the same area due to the Turkish occupation.
The first indication of St. Anne surfaced in the 16th century—in the year of 1576. There is no information available regarding who constructed and built the church. It is made of stone, and the belfries are made of bronze. It spans 21 m in length, while the widths of the presbytery and the nave measure 5.45 and 6,76 m respectfully. Its height ranges from approximately 5.5 to 5.9 m. It has been renovated numerous times due to natural disasters, making it a challenge to precisely determine its style characterization; nevertheless, it predominantly resembles a church in a Gothic style.
The Church of St. Anne is classified as a single-nave church with one chancel and two belfries. There is a shed located in front of the entrance. The two belfries underwent multiple changes due to destruction from wars; the larger one was cast in 1990 and has a diameter of 89.9 cm, a weight of 360 kg and the bell tone of “A.” Meanwhile, the smaller one, cast around 1950, measures 73 cm in diameter, weighs 285 kg, and has a bell tone of “C.” The inside of the church is glamourised with an oak wood altar dedicated to St. Anne, a processional cross, paintings depicting the Stations of the Cross, and a fresco illustrating different events in the lives of St. Anne, Joachim, and Mary. The fresco was crafted by the illustrator Lojze Čemažar. This is actually the new look of the church following its renovation in 1989. During this restoration, damp plaster was removed, the walls were repainted and the aforementioned fresco was added. Later still, an oak altar facing the congregation was fashioned, accompanied by the paintings of the fourteen Stations of the Cross, all crafted by Stane Jarm. The main altar was made by Franc Jontez back in 1889, with St. Ursula and St. Agnes adorning its sides. The flooring and benches have remained unchanged since 1891. As of 1990, the church has been outfitted with electricity, spotlights, and a crystal chandelier. The fresco inside the church conveys the significant importance of beliefs through art and representation of holy figures, much like all the paintings within it. It stands as the largest art piece in the church, portraying religious motifs with great details in both individuals and objects. The church serves as a place of worship, encouraging faith and religious devotion. It is situated along a pilgrimage route, where pilgrims used to make their stopping point. During the times of the Turkish occupation, it served as a refuge, holding significant value for people in search of safety.
Today, many hikers, outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers are attracted to the church’s route. It has become a highly visited excursion spot, accessible via a forest trail. At the summit, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the south, southeast, east, and even a little part of the west side. The south view reaches the entire hill of Travna gora and Velika gora, all the way to Goteniška gora. In the southeast, you can even see the Croatian Gorski Kotar, Bjelolasica and the surroundings slopes. To the east, you can observe Stojna, Kočevski Rog and, preceding them, the Kočevje field with its town. Looking westwards, there is a breathtaking view of the Ribnica Valley, extending all the way towards the mountain plateau of Snežnik and the Slivnica mountain above Cerknica.
There is an interesting legend which speaks about the church and its origin. You can listen to it at the link down below or read it in a book named Tam med Malo in Veliko goro (meaning Somewhere between Mala and Velika gora), where St. Anne is mentioned a few times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gf0yMCoj9Q.
The beauty of St. Anne in wintertime is remarkably captivating, which you can also see by following this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBOoHwJw16U.
The Church of St. Anne is, in my opinion, an outstanding hiking point, where you are rewarded with a beautiful panorama. Compared to the surrounding churches, such as the Church of St. Stephen in the centre of Ribnica or the Church of the Assumption in the village of Nova Štifta, it is relatively small. However, its location adds a special charm, setting it apart from the rest. Despite its smaller size, it boasts a considerable number of artworks, making it even more fascinating.
Ana Marija Šilc, 3. a (School Year 2023/2024)
- Church St. Anne, Zapuže near Ribnica. Available on 19. 11. 2022 at: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerkev_sv._Ane,_Zapu%C5%BEe_pri_Ribnici
- PRAZNIK, A. (2009). Church St. Anne above Ribnica. Available on 19. 11. 2022 at:
- MIKOLIČ-TURK, Nežika – text, reader: GREGORIČ, Nina. (14. apr. 2020). Legend about Church’s origin [legend from book ‘Tam med malo in Veliko goro’]. Available on 19. 11. 2022 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gf0yMCoj9Q
- Church St. Anne on Mala gora. Available on 05.01.2023 at:
- VRICKO, K. (2018). Church St. Anne in wintertime. Video available on 19. 11. 2022 at: