Romarska cerkev v okolici Ribnice

Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja na Novi Štifti je romarska cerkev v župniji Sodražica, ki je nastajala od leta 1641 do leta 1671, na mestu, kjer je v 15. stoletju stala Marijina kapelica. Je redek baročni spomenik na kočevsko-ribniškem področju, njegov arhitekt ni znan.

Cerkev je centralno zasnovana in zgrajena iz osmerokotne ladje in kvadratnega prezbiterija s posnetimi vogali, ima zunanje opornike. Ladja je pokrita s kupolo, poleg nje se dviga zvonik, ki ga pokriva bakrena streha. Na zahodni strani so arkade, ki so obokane in s tremi vhodi. Stene so masivne in debele, fasada je bele barve, streha kupole in arkad je narejena iz pločevine.

Slika 1: Zunanjščina cerkve Marijinega vnebovzetja (FOTO: Meta Andoljšek)

Tla notranjosti so iz kamna, pred oltarjem so položene šamotne plošče. V prezbiteriju se dviga 16 m visok obok. V cerkvi se nahajajo trije zlati oltarji. Glavni oltar je posvečen Mariji Vnebovzeti, stranska pa sv. Ani in karmelski Materi Božji. Ker stene niso izrazito poslikane, so oltarji bolj razkošni. Narejeni so iz lipe, pozlačeni oz. posrebreni. Med ladjo in prezbiterijem stoji obhajilna miza iz marmorja, delo kamnoseka Jakoba Vetoraca, v zadnjem delu cerkve so postavljene orgle iz leta 1904. V zvoniku je pet bronastih zvonov. Najtežji tehta 2400 kg, najmanjši pa 720 kg. Leta 1780 so po načrtih Lovrenca Pragerja na severni strani cerkve dogradili stopnice, imenovane »svete stopnice«. Stene nad njimi obdajajo freske slikarja Antona Postla, ki prikazujejo Kristusovo trpljenje.

Slika 2: Notranjost cerkve Marijinega vnebovzetja (FOTO: Meta Andoljšek)

Legenda o nastanku cerkve pravi, da se je kmetu iz Sušja prikazala Marija in mu naročila, naj na hribu zgradijo cerkev. Velik umetniški vpliv za njeno gradnjo je bila renesančna cerkev Santa Maria Incoronata iz Lodija pri Milanu. Stavbi imata enak tloris, razlikujeta se v notranjščini in kupoli ter slogu, saj cerkev na Novi Štifti sodi v barok. Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja je vplivala na gradnjo podobnih cerkva pri nas, zato ima velik pomen pri vzponu baročne arhitekture na slovenskih tleh.
Zgradba je namenjena glasbenim in ostalim kulturnim prireditvam, ambient je primeren tudi za poroke. Mojo pozornost je pritegnila predvsem zaradi kupole in temno-belih kontrastov, ki odstopajo iz zelene okolice. Prav tako je posebna njena notranjost zaradi izrazite pozlačenosti in svetlosti.

Meta Andoljšek, 3.b (šol. l. 2021/22)

1. ŽVOKELJ, N. (2001). Nova Štifta – frančiškanski samostan. Sodražica: Frančiškanski samostan Nova Štifta.

2. Nova Štifta (2014). Jubilejna izdaja ob stoletnici prihoda bratov frančiškanov. 1. natis. Nova Štifta: Frančiškanski samostan Nova Štifta.

3. ŠUMI, N. (1975). Pogledi na slovensko umetnost. Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga.



Pilgrim church near Ribnica

The Church of Mary’s Assumption in Nova Štifta is a pilgrim church in the parish Sodražica, which was built between the years 1641 and 1671 on the spot where Mary’s Chapel stood in 15th century. It is a rare Baroque monument in the Kočevje and Ribnica regions and its architect is unknown.

The plan of the church is central, it consists of an octagonal nave and a square presbytery with round edges, it has external support pillars. The nave is covered with a dome, next to it there is a belfry which is covered by a copper roof. On the west side there are arcades, which are arched and have three entrances. The walls are solid and thick, the facade is white, the roofs of the dome and the arcades are made of tinplate.

The floor of the interior is made of stone, in front of the altar chamotte tiles are layed. In the presbytery there is a 16-m-tall arch. In the church there are three gold altars. The main altar is dedicated to Mary, and the side altars to Saint Ana and Mother of Carmel. Because the walls are not vividly painted, the altars are more luxurious. They are made of lime wood and are gold- or silver-plated. Between the nave and the presbytery there is a marble communion table, the work of stonemason Jakob Vetorac. In the back of the church there is an organ from 1904. In the belfry there are five copper bells. The heaviest weighs 2400 kg and the lightest one 720 kg. In 1780 the stairs named “Holy Stairs” were added in the north side of the church according to Lovrenc Prager’s plans. The walls above them are covered by Anton Postl’s frescos, which present the suffering of Christ.

The legend about the origin of the church says that a farmer from Sušje had a vision of Mary and she ordered him to build a church on the hill. The Renaissance church Santa Maria Incoronata from Lodi near Milan greatly influenced the artistic aspects of the building. The buildings have the same ground plans, they differ in the interior, the dome and the style, since the church in Nova Štifta belongs to Baroque period. The Church of Mary’s Assumption influenced the building of similar churches, that is why it is important for the rise of Baroque architecture in Slovenia.

The building is intended for musical and other cultural events, the ambience is also suitable for weddings. It grabbed my attention mostly because of the dome and the dark-white contrasts, which stand out from the green environment. Its interior is special as well due to the distinctively gilded appearance and light.


Meta Andoljšek, 3.b (school year 2021/22)



  1. ŽVOKELJ, N. (2001). Nova Štifta – frančiškanski samostan. Sodražica: Frančiškanski samostan Nova Štifta.


  1. Nova Štifta (2014). Jubilejna izdaja ob stoletnici prihoda bratov frančiškanov. 1. printing. Nova Štifta: Frančiškanski samostan Nova Štifta.


  1. ŠUMI, N. (1975). Pogledi na slovensko umetnost. Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga.